How to stick to a morning routine - Step-by-step guide

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All of those “habits of a millionaire” videos make mornings sound so easy— “just wake up at 5am every day and you’ll succeed too!”  But nobody talks about how to actually change your habits. Nobody talks about how to make it easy, effortless, even pleasurable to get up at 5am or 6am every single day and set yourself up for success.

I wanted to feel that success for myself, so I spent weeks testing different tips and techniques until I found exactly what works for me. In this blog post I’m sharing the practical techniques and mindset that helped me consistently be successful with a morning routine.

Here’s what we’re covering in this post:

  • The step-by-step process I used each morning when I was starting out on my 6am morning routine (and that I still use when I need a reset!). I’m sharing the exact techniques I used to go from a chronic snooze button hitter, to staying out of bed once the alarm rings.

  • How I use intention setting and visualization the night before to help me never hit snooze

  • The exact techniques I use to move into a positive mindset first thing in the morning

  • The affirmations I use to help me stay consistent even when I want to give up

Mornings aren’t natural for me.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an egregious snooze button user. I’m talking 3, 4, even 5 times each morning!

All the benefits of getting up at the crack of dawn have always made intellectual sense to me—extra time to enjoy the peaceful quiet of the morning, to enjoy a coffee, to read, and to make it on time to work with our rushing (back when commuting was a thing). 

But it didn’t matter—I went through months of trying and failing, sometimes succeeding for 2 or 3 days, then invariably relapsing to my sleepy ways. I would literally get out of bed, walk across the room to turn off my alarm, then look back at my pillow which looked so comfy that I would give in and hop back under the covers. Then, a few snoozes later, I’d feel awful, and like I couldn’t trust myself to do this one simple thing.

All that to say that I know how it is when you’re first adjusting to an early morning habit. And I know how to coach towards success!

So let’s get started! Here’s how to actually stick to a 6am morning routine so you can approach each day with abundant joy:

The step-by-step process I use each morning when I was starting out on my 6am morning routine

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #1: Success starts the night before

The truth is that a successful morning routine starts with a successful night routine. I prioritize going to bed early enough so that I can give myself at least 6 hours of high quality sleep (honestly, more like 7 or 8). 

I aim to be in bed, relaxing within 8.5 hours of my wake-up time. That way, instead of stressing because I can’t fall asleep, I have time to relax into dreamland and still get the full amount of rest my body needs.

How I use intention setting and visualization the night before to help me never hit snooze

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #2: Visualize your perfect morning

Before drifting off to sleep, I close my eyes and set an intention to get up when I say I will. I visualize myself getting right out of bed when that alarm rings.

I imagine and feel what it feels like to wake up with ease, maybe even dancing my way out of bed.

Visualization primes the mind for action. Elite athletes know this and use it as part of their training. 

The mind doesn’t know the difference between an imagined action and a real action. I use this to my advantage as much as possible to prepare for the actual event.

Don’t skip this step! I found this to be the major difference early on between a blissful wakeup, and a painful one. No matter how many hours I slept the night before, if I left any doubt in my mind that I might not do it, I would actually not do it and then feel awful yet again. This visualization, this commitment is the difference between a blissful morning and an internal dialogue that says, “nah, forget it” at game time

I learned this tip from Vishen Lakhiani. If you haven’t read his books or checked out his platform, Mindvalley, I highly recommend them for more high performance tips and inspiration.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #3: Leverage your alarm clock settings

Include an affirmation on your alarm

If you’re anything like me, it’s all too easy to go on autopilot back to bed when that clock rings.

Since my phone’s alarm clock is the first thing I see in the morning, I use it as the first opportunity to inspire myself.

My favorite affirmations to include on my phone’s alarm is “I am worth getting up early” or “It’s worth it to get up early.”

For me, reading an affirmation as I turn off my alarm reminds me of why I’m doing this in the first place. Otherwise, autopilot takes over and I hit snooze. Again.

Use a pleasant sound for your alarm

I use birds chirping, since it makes me feel like a Disney princess. I also highly recommend your favorite song, and extra points if it makes you want to dance!

Put your alarm across the room

This technique creates a small barrier to getting back to bed and makes it easier to not automatically hit snooze. 

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #4: Put your phone on airplane mode

This helps me focus on ME in the morning, rather than on the priorities of others.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #5: Write down your perfect morning

Once I’m in bed, I jot down a quick play-by-play for how my morning will pan out. Then, I simply decide I will stick to it.

The purpose of this step is to give me a reference when I forget what I planned to do in the morning. 

It’s easy to tell myself “I have no reason to get up early” and keep snoozing.

It’s easy to tell myself “It doesn’t actually matter if I get up right now.”

But these are all little lies I tell myself. Because it’s the little habits that stack up over time, whether positive or negative.

Ever since starting my “eliminate anxiety” journey, I’ve searched for ways to bring more peace into my mornings. I’ve finally cracked the code for a morning that’s equal parts peaceful and energizing, with a workout called The Class. The Class is literally the perfect solution for my morning routine, with elements of pilates, yoga, somatic healing and mindset work — It’s like a meditation, journaling session, and workout all in one. They offer a 14-day free trial, but you can RECEIVE 30 DAYS FREE with my referral link.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #6: Use audio affirmations to fall asleep

Another highly effective technique I use as I drift to sleep is listening to self-hypnosis audio. These tracks support and reprogram your subconscious mind by planting the seed of new behaviors. 

The beauty of this is that they work whether you believe in them or not. As long as you’re consistent, you’ll find yourself believing the affirmation over time.

I also recommend Marisa Peer’s tracks for this, because she has targeted audios for wealth, health, relationships, and many others. She even has one to help conception!

There are also a ton of affirmation audios on YouTube–some of my favorites are here and here.

The exact techniques I use to move into a positive mindset first thing in the morning

OK, now it’s the big morning. I hear the birds chirping (my alarm) and prance on over to the clock. I steer clear past the snooze button, because I don’t need it. Not today.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #7: Read your alarm clock affirmation

I read my alarm affirmation and remember that I am worth making the effort to be up this early and starting my day with abundant joy.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #8: Pause for a few seconds after turning off the alarm

Upon turning off my alarm, I pause for 5 seconds. 

These seconds are critical. This is when I make the decision to keep my promise to get up. 

I remember that I’m just extending the feeling of grogginess if I hop back in bed. Instead, I know that once I get through a few moments of sleepiness, I’ve already won. I’ve already done the first hard thing of the day.

This is very easy to do on a day when I have something fun or exciting planned. I’m referring to those humdrum days or even the days when something stressful is on the calendar.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #9: Use audio affirmation tracks

Audio affirmations in the morning are another major key for me. I play them in the background right when I get up and know that my subconscious is absorbing the positive messages and vibrations even if I’m only passively listening.

For extra credit I make an effort to say “and so it is,” after each affirmation.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #10: Move your body around a bit

Take gentle movements. Maybe a little stretch, a sleepy walk out of your room.

Anything to stay off the bed.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #11: Hydrate right away

A glass of water helps wake up the nervous system and replenishes the body after several hours of no water. 

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #12: Make your bed

This is a great time to start making your bed. Most people recommend to make your bed first thing, but if I had a penny for the times I’ve done that right after turning off my alarm and ended up hopping back in bed and falling back asleep…

I actually recommend waiting until your brain is out of a daze to make your bed.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #13: Take your time

As you adjust to this new morning habit, there’s no need to rush anything. The more peace you feel in the morning, the more you’ll want to do it again and again.

I write down my ideal schedule the night before, but I ensure I have plenty of time to switch tasks without getting concerned I’ll fall behind on that schedule.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #14: Start your day with gratitude

Another key habit to making the early mornings stick is to get in the energy of gratitude. Many of the wellness gurus repeat this over and over again and for me, journaling is a great way to do it.

I discovered The 5-Minute Journal a few years ago, which helped me bring positive thoughts into my mind in a quick, simple way.

The key to making this gratitude practice truly take only 5 minutes is to write down the first things that come to my mind, no matter how small, and without judgment.

MORNING ROUTINE TIP #15: Find the bliss that the morning brings for you

This is easy to do on day 1, even day 2 and 3. But in order to make this a consistent habit over months, you must feel blissful at every step.

What is that for you? Is it the smell of your morning coffee? Is it having extra time to pick out a killer outfit? Is it play time with your children or pets?

For me, it’s the knowing that I already did something that didn’t come so easily to me.

The affirmations I use to help me stay consistent even when I want to give up

  • You are worth it. You are worth getting up early.

  • You are worth giving the day your best shot.

  • You are worthy of keeping promises to yourself.

  • An extra few minutes of sleep is only going to make you feel even more groggy after.

  • Just a few minutes of sleepiness until you get to the joy.

Have you ever noticed how you’re perfectly fine once you’ve had your coffee? With consistency, those first few minutes won’t be painful at all, since your brain will associate getting up with positive feelings rather than with dread.

Reflect on this – Has your current routine been working for you? Or is it keeping you in a rushed anxiety each morning, again and again? Is this the same way you were behaving 5 years ago? If yes, realize that you must take the step today so that you’re not in the same place 5 years from now. Little by little, day by day, really does add up over a year.

The biggest difference between giving up and becoming a morning person is your mindset. I’ve gone through the ups and downs and I know all the pitfalls and how to overcome them. Join my FREE Become a Morning Person 7-day Email Course. I’ll guide you through a progressive morning routine building process.


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