5 Reasons Why your Manifestations aren’t Working (And tips on how to improve)

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After overcoming a bit of skepticism, you finally decided to give this manifesting thing a try. You put your fear to the side and decided to ask the Universe for what you really, truly want. And then, when the thing arrived, it wasn’t quite what you were hoping would happen.

Sound familiar?

I’ve been there! And I’ve also been wildly successful with manifesting exactly what I want. 

So let’s get started! Here are the 5 Reasons why your manifestations aren’t working

Like many of us out there, I found myself in a pandemic-fueled layoff back in 2020. I had little to lose at that point, so I surrendered to the Universe, and asked for what I truly wanted using the scripting method of manifestation.

I wrote down that I wanted to make a $150K salary. I read that statement every day. But deep down inside, I knew I would actually accept $120K. And guess what? That’s exactly what I was offered.

Even after asking for more base and being told no, I went ahead and took the offer. Not because I was desperate for money at that moment. I took it because I was actually OK with what I was offered. 

And another thing–months later I found out that another colleague with less experience than I was offered 12K more. Why? She wasn’t willing to accept the initial offer.


You don’t believe you’re worthy

“I’d love to make $150K, but people with that job title don’t get paid that much.” “I wouldn’t get it anyway.” “Other people are way more qualified than me.”

These are all versions of “Who am I to ask of this much money?” which is a version of not believing you are worthy of earning that much.

When we don’t believe we are worth making a certain amount, we don’t ask for what we truly want. We suppress our true ask, and thus our ability to match the vibration of what we want.

Not believing you’re worthy of receiving is a limiting belief, or negative mental block. One of my favorite tools to work on removing these blocks is to use subliminal sound tracks. These sounds seep into our subconscious minds and help us unlearn years of limiting beliefs.  Click here to learn more.


You feel like you’re lying.

The scripting method of manifestation requires repeating things we don’t physically have, yet speaking about them as though we actually do. This can feel super weird at first.

If you have a big, audacious goal, that’s great! But if it feels like you’re lying every time you repeat “I make a $150K base salary doing exactly what I love,” try working up to that bigger goal.

Maybe you try manifesting something smaller, like “I have an extra $1,500 in my bank account by the end of the month.” Then allow the Universe to put the right people and situations in front of you until you see it happen.


You aren’t feeling into it

Feeling good is our natural state. Any event or situation that seems to be negative is placed on our path to guide us back towards what’s right for our life’s journey.

Thus, it’s imperative to feel good as you visualize yourself actually having the thing you want. 

What does it feel like to make 150K? Do you feel secure?

How much money would actually come to your account each pay period? Use an actual paycheck calculator to see how much would come into your account.

How would you spend it? Imagine yourself doing the things you would do with your paycheck.


You’re addicted to not having what you want

It’s easy to tell when you’re addicted to not getting your manifestation, because you’ve been wanting it for years and years, yet you still don’t have it. At a subconscious level, you’re pushing the thing away every time it gets near.

We actually benefit from not getting what we desire. How so? 

Not getting what we desire means we were right in the first place (“See, I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it”). It means we don’t have to try, then fail and feel like a failure. We get attention from our friends because we get to talk about our problems.

The Universe wants to help you get that thing you desire! You just have to realize how you’re blocking it from happening and then get out of your own way.

Being addicted to not getting what you want is related to subconscious thoughts that you’re unworthy. Subliminal sound tracks reprogram your subconscious mind to believing you are absolutely worthy of what you desire. Click here to see what they’re about.


You aren’t trusting your intuition

When you ask for something, the Universe gives it to you in the form of people or circumstances. Sometimes it’s super obvious, but other times you don’t realize it because the people or circumstances seem unrelated to your ask. 

Next time you ask the Universe for something, keep an eye out for a random invitation, and then follow it. Perhaps the person or situation leading you to your desire is around the corner.

So here’s my challenge to you:

Try manifesting one more time. This time, tell yourself if it doesn’t work, you’ll give it up forever.

However, you must really be honest with yourself.

Did you give it your all? Did you truly allow yourself to believe it? Did you visualize the thing you want and feel the positive feelings in your body as you received it?

If not, then you can’t give up on it just yet because you haven’t fully given it your all.

If you’re ready to step into your best self and build your confidence, I urge you to try subliminal sound tracks. I use subliminal sound tracks at night and also as part of my morning routine. They power up my self-belief in a way that feels effortless. Click here to learn more about how to reprogram the subconscious mind using subliminal sound tracks.

The biggest difference between giving up and becoming an early riser is your mindset. I’ve gone through the ups and downs, I know all the pitfalls and how to overcome them. Join my FREE Become a Morning Person 7-day Email Course.


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